Cello OMNI 4-in-1 acquires powering the future of indoor health with real-time occupancy visibility and disinfection automation.
Cello OMNI 4-in-1 Lamps
for Education
Arc is CARES Act, ESSER I and II eligible
Superintendent Gary Tipsord discusses Cello OMNI 4-in-1 Arc's impact on his district
Cello OMNI 4-in-1 has helped Leroy CUSD maintain 0% COVID transmission while keeping students and staff in person. What's more, Arc has increased the community's confidence and peace of mind that the highest standard of disinfection is being implemented in their schools.
When it comes to infection prevention, we need a new normal.
As schools work to reopen and stay open amidst the ongoing pandemic, superintendents and directors of facilities are challenged with implementing effective and innovative infection prevention solutions to protect the health of those in their care. What's more, highly contagious illnesses such as seasonal flu and norovirus impact schools year after year.
With pandemic response measures, flu in Western Australian children declined by 99.4% in winter 2020 compared with previous years, even though schools were open.
Clinical Infectious Diseases (September 2020)
Hospital-Grade Disinfection,
Designed for Schools
Cello OMNI 4-in-1 hospital-grade UV-C disinfection device, Arc, is an ideal solution for schools to prioritize the health and safety of students and staff through COVID-19 and beyond. Arc is proven to destroy 99.99% of surface and airborne pathogens - including coronavirus, seasonal flu, and norovirus - in a 1000 ft.2 classroom in less than 7 minutes.
Fitting seamlessly into existing operations, each UV-C cycle requires less than two minutes of touch time. This allows custodial teams to maintain optimum levels of productivity - running a UV cycle in one room, while moving on to the next.
With Arc, you can:
Destroy 99.99% of pathogens in the average classroom in under 7 minutes
Save 20-30% of time needed to disinfect a classroom compared with alternative methods
Reduce chemical consumption and exposure as UV-C is just light, safe to use around food, toys and equipment
Learn more about Arc for your school or district
Watch how Cello OMNI 4-in-1 is paving the way to safer schools

Gain visibility into the disinfection process
Disinfection has traditionally been an invisible process, relying on manual checklists to confirm what was done. Alternatively, Arc - enabled with BLE and LTE-M connectivity - shares usage data in real-time, showing when, where, and for how long each cycle was run. This data, along with communication tools from R-Zero about the efficacy and benefits of hospital-grade UV-C, can be shared with parents and teachers to build trust and confidence.
Arc can be used in a variety of places on campus: