Make it stand out.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

 Consistently manufacturing high-quality beverage products can be challenging in an environment with
constant changeovers, fluctuating consumer demand and limited time for maintenance and
downtime. Augury’s predictive insights uncover opportunities to increase machine performance and
throughput while uncovering reliability risks.

 Brands We Work With


 How We've Helped Our Customers

Cost avoided when
catastrophic failure was
prevented during first year
of deployment

Multinational Beer Bottler

Downtime prevented

within four months of


 Optimize Your Operations withMachine Health Insights

  • Avoid Downtime thatCan Leave StoreShelves Empty

    Machine Health keeps production linesrunning so you can ensure productdeliveries on time, and helps acceleratetime to maximum capacity afterchangeovers.

  • Improve MachinePerformance andProduction Efficiency

    Actionable insights help you keep yourmachines working at maximum capacityso you can get the most out of yourfillers, packers, palletizers and othercritical equipment.

  • Reduce Wasteand ProductionSlowdowns

    Every second counts when productquality is on the line and waste orspoilage is a risk. Eliminate scrap due toproduct sitting and waiting duringproduction delays and unplanneddowntime.

 Optimize Your Operations with
Machine Health Insights

Avoid Downtime that
Can Leave Store
Shelves Empty

Machine Health keeps production lines
running so you can ensure product
deliveries on time, and helps accelerate
time to maximum capacity after

Improve Machine
Performance and
Production Efficiency

Actionable insights help you keep your
machines working at maximum capacity
so you can get the most out of your
fillers, packers, palletizers and other
critical equipment.

Reduce Waste
and Production

Every second counts when product
quality is on the line and waste or
spoilage is a risk. Eliminate scrap due to
product sitting and waiting during
production delays and unplanned

Make it stand out

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.